Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Review of Multmodal Learning Styles Essay Example for Free

A Review of Multmodal Learning Styles Essay Cara making, outllnes ana courses of events made, ana In tne cnolce 0T pnyslcal condition utilized for study. A read-compose student retains data through composed structures: records, understanding writings or presents, itemized note taking, power focuses, and extra assets like paper or online articles about the subject. Understudy A likewise utilizes a portion of the systems of this style with the extra examination on the point, different editing of composed substance, and perusing of every single allocated text or gifts. Audit of the learning systems of both the read-compose and the inesthetic learning styles shows supportive techniques not right now utilized by Student A. This understudy can likewise profit by fusing a few taking in methodologies from each style. The sensation system of relating the data to their own background and discovering genuine models would help Student A to hold and review data as it is appended to genuine references the understudy has just disguised. Utilizing the read-compose methodologies of revamping data a few times and transforming the substance of a chart or outline into a composed rundown would help Student An explain and hold nderstanding of that content. Utilizing the VARK Learning Style Assessment is a useful apparatus for any student. It gives accommodating data that permits the understudy experiences into how they learn and offers methodologies to benefit as much as possible from that learning style and keep away from the issues that can be related with that style. It is likewise useful for an understudy to comprehend that there are other learning styles and know about the focal point of those learning styles. This guides in deciphering data given in another style in to the understudies style for ideal learning and furthermore helps the tudent make an interpretation of their style to oblige the learning style of another when instructing data. References Deep and Surface Approaches to Learning. n. d. ). Recovered from http://trade. air conditioning. uk/learning-and-educating hypothesis direct/profound and-surface-approaches-learning. html Fleming, N. D. , ; Mills, C. (1992). Not Another Inventory, Rather a Catalyst for Reflection. To Improve the Academy, 1 10, 137. Fleming, N. D. (2011). VARK: A Review of Those Who Are Multimodal. Recovered from http://www. vark-learn. com/english/page_content/multimodality. htm

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Personality profile Essays - Nikita, Alex Udinov, Lie, Truth, Honest

Throughout life, we meet endless people.Some may turn into your companions, some even your adversaries yet not many become family.Throughout my life,i have too met mny individuals, anyway noone like alexander (bayley or xander whichever you prefer)Alex has established such an everlasting connection upon my life as well as my heart as well.He is really an astonishing friend.The characteristics that make alex such a lovely individual must be his empathy, genuineness, mind and an inclination to consistently observe the constructive side of any given situation.His hopefulness is coordinated very well by his general way of thinking of falsehood and any one fortunate enough to ber graced by his essence they will see or themselves.Despite his charm, alex is a to some degree calm individual, not easygoing or withdrawn.He is inquisitively held, consistently in profound idea and once in a while communicates without reason. From the start you will see his smile.It's wide,enthusiastic,and very w elcoming.Alexander is approximately six feet tall with a thin athletic bodytype.Although he recieves a superflous sum o consideration from the other gender he once in a while agrees to anyone.Alex is an exceptionally specific fellow.Another quality showed my alex is his honesty.This is presumably the zone where I gained the most from him.throughout my life I have consistently had an issue with coming clean, it isn't so much that I dont need to be straightforward I have recently consistently felt the requirement for innocent embellishments, however some of the time these falsehoods hurt individuals and alex caused me to understand that in the event that they are an adequate companion the fact of the matter is in every case better than some expand excuse.Not numerous individuals nowadays are direct and will in general wanderer from reality, I used to be one of those individuals, it was simpler to decieve than come clean yet alex saw right throught it. its odd, noone had truly discover ed me lying and one day he just said for what reason would you say you are misleading me? I guess when individuals really know you and furthermore have a solid instinct they can advise when you're misleading them.Not just is alex consistent with others yet he is consistent with himself.On one event I recall that we were talking about substances and I raised one specifically and he said despite the fact that its for all intents and purposes innocuous with some restraint he could never enjoy that substance since he guaranteed himself at a youthful age he could never contact it. That to me is splendid, I cannot tally the measure of guarantees I have made to myself that I have broken, a few people simply have a more grounded moral fiber and capacity to decline. I'ts hard to track down an individual with the degree of uprightness showed by mr.Bayley.He works with a level of dilligence and assurance not found in his companions, and due to this he exceeds expectations academically,socially , just as spiritually.The sway he has had on my life , is and has been unimaginably substancial.He instructed me to be completely forthright, to have pride in what I do and be consistent with myslelf.He is a companion as far as possible and I wouldnt have needed to encounter this insane rollercoaster without him. the world is basically a superior spot with Alex in it.

Observation of various lifestyles

Babies are youngsters between the age of one year and two and half years. At this stage, kids are developing and furthermore investing their energy playing. Children at this age are dynamic particularly in the play area. I watched the kids in the play area. The play area was very little, only an acre.Advertising We will compose a custom contextual investigation test on Observation of different ways of life explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It was green, with the grass flawlessly planted and equitably cut. The field was efficient with different games’ gear. Toward one side of the field were swings that the children utilized for swinging. On the opposite end, there were ricocheting mansions that children appeared to appreciate. What's more, there was a little room that contained children’s toys. This was the room wherein indoor games’ were played. In this room, I saw that most youngsters played indoor games. The quantity of children in the play area was around fifty, who were somewhere in the range of one and two years of age. The youngsters in the room were caught up with painting different articles while others were playing with toys. A portion of the youngsters were off without anyone else. The children who could walk were having a great time in the skipping manors while their guardian watched them. The offspring of any age appeared to be neighborly. They appeared to perceive one another. The more established ones appeared to deal with the little ones while playing. They likewise forcefully included them in different games. The kids appeared to have known each other for some time. Be that as it may, there were a few kids for the most part matured two years, or more who were bulling the littler youngsters by grabbing their toys. The more youthful children didn't seem to like them. Crying was seen among the more youthful children who were looking for consideration of the guardian. Henceforth, a large portion of them were playing with the parental figures or with the more established children however under management. None of the kids had physical handicaps. For the babies matured one to two and half years, the little children are progressively offset with grown-ups like appearance. A portion of the physical issues the children were encountering were acing the numerous abilities for instance, sitting, strolling, utilizing a spoon, and in any event tossing a ball and perceiving a toy set before them. The children matured one year old were the most influenced. The children matured two years were doing fine and dandy at these aptitudes. These were ordinary issues that could be overseen by therapy.Advertising Looking for contextual investigation on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some of the youngsters were sheathing behind their companions in knowing to make discourse sounds. They didn't have the foggiest idea how to articulate a few names for instance, some articulated hare as wabbit. They had an issue in communicating in discourse. The vast majority of the youngsters just realized the regular words like mum. Some additionally had poor gathering. A case of these issues was kids who didn't react to their names. The kids mixed up specific sounds. Watching the children’s social intense subject matters, the youngsters were progressively mindful of feeling. Their feelings were changing. The kids were regularly disappointed since they needed to be free. The youngsters delighted in cooperating with certain kids yet had an issue collaborating with others. Some likewise had an issue with sharing. For example, some were not open to sharing their plays with others. In such circumstances the guardian needed to intercede. A portion of the youngsters likewise experienced tension around individuals they didn't have the foggiest idea. I likewise watched hissy fits among the children when baffled or when not ready to impart what they needed. A large portion of the kids perceived feelings of different children. For instance some helped the crying kids. In the congregation day care, I watched youngsters matured four and five years. The setting was a study hall style where the kids were shown different Christian lessons. There was additionally a little play area that the kids went for breaks after every exercise. The connection of these kids was reasonable. The youngsters knew each other by names. They played together. The youngsters were twenty in number. The youngsters perceived the parental figure and appeared to regard her. They appeared to have remained together for a serious long time. Watching their physical conduct, the kids appeared to cherish one another. They treated each other as family. They played together. They additionally appeared to take an interest very well in different gathering conversations when allocated. None of the youngsters was debilitated. None of them was fat. The vas t majority of the kids here were feeling the loss of some milk teeth. They were all fashionable and prepped with the exception of that the garments were messy before sun-down because of the persistent play. Some had more grounded engine aptitudes than others. The youngsters must be disclosed to one thing a few times in any case by the following day most must be reminded what they had leant the earlier day. I likewise saw that the majority of the youngsters had the rationale abilities of taking care of issues among themselves when clashes emerged. All the kids were conversant in their discourse. There were no issues seen in their intellectual conduct. The youngsters were figuring out how to peruse and other scholarly skills.Advertising We will compose a custom contextual investigation test on Observation of different ways of life explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Observing their social enthusiastic conduct, the kids were genuinely appended to different kids. The children at this age are at a situation to control their feelings. The children were communicating the longing to be free. I additionally watched show of enthusiastic fits of rage, limits and logical inconsistencies. The kids were continually associating with other kids. Watching the examination and agreement of improvement conduct of more seasoned and more youthful kids, the more seasoned kids appeared to comprehend their condition far superior to the youthful ones. The youngsters matured five had grown up and were at a situation to control their feelings. In learning, the more established kids appeared to learn quicker. The more seasoned kids occupied with less unsafe circumstances contrasted with the more youthful ones. With advancement conduct, the more established ones demonstrated quicker advancement. During the perception time, there didn't show up any strange conduct. The kids conduct could be named as typical. The youngsters had no speculations of any expansion and addictiv e conduct since the parental figures were there to address them. The youngsters had no hypotheses of any expansion and addictive conduct since the guardians were there to address them. A portion of the issues that the kids went over could without much of a stretch be tended to by treatment. These issues were typical since as the kid developed they blurred away. End Feeding kids well encourages a solid way of life. Moreover, close perception of the kids by both the guardians and the guardians will encourage the prosperity of the kids. Taking a kid to facilities for gauging and tests likewise guarantees solid way of life. This contextual analysis on Observation of different ways of life was composed and presented by client Elisabeth Bruce to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; nonetheless, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Australian Consumer Law Free Essays

There was a significant change for Australian Consumer Law. Inside this paper, the distinctions on the old and the new framework will be talked about further. Australian Consumer Law is a solitary national law, which is, applies in all locales, to all business and to all industry segments. We will compose a custom exposition test on Australian Consumer Law or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now The ACL likewise speaks to another way to deal with considering shopper strategy issues, with the Australian Government and the States and Territories working intently together to consider create and actualize changes. This exposition will clarify about the separation between the old framework and the new framework. There are a few advantages for the customer, for example, this ACL will supplant 20 existing state with one law, this new law is additionally more obvious and more clear. On the first January 2011 was the start of another shopper strategy in Australia. That strategy is called ACL (Australian Consumer Law), ACL is a solitary national law covering all each state and domain. This ACL will supplant the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and will renaming the Trade Practices Act 1974. This law will likewise apply like Commonwealth law. Each state and Territory will likewise make the ACL as their strategy with the goal that it will be equivalent for all Australia. Every Australian court and councils likewise from the states and domains implement this law. This law has made another diverse framework as referenced over, this law is one for all. There will be a few significant changes applied to client or to vender. For instance; * Product wellbeing, another national item security administrative system is set out. Likewise incorporates broad new warning necessities for all providers. * Misleading or tricky direct, ACL disallow misdirecting or beguiling behavior in exchange or business. The ACL will give a similar expansive security as area 52 of the TPA. Uncalled for Contracts, on the old law this produced results at a region level in Victoria and NSW and now, this law produced results as law of different states and regions on 1 January 2011. * Unsolicited deals; another national administering spontaneous customer understandings (entryway to entryway deals, telemarketing and other direct deals) are presented. * Lay-by understanding is likewise pr esented in this ACL. * Product wellbeing, another national item security administrative system is set out. Likewise incorporates broad new warning necessities for all providers. There are likewise explicit securities for the new ACL against uncalled for strategic approaches. Dislike the general insurances referenced over this particular exercises that can be especially caused negative effect, for example, * Failing to flexibly blessings and prizes or not providing them as offered (misdirect). * Pyramid selling plans, for example, arrange advertising. This new ACL likewise spread purchaser ensures. They make a solitary arrangement of legal buyer ensures supplant the old arrangement of conditions and guarantees in the Trade Practices Act. The assurances modernize and explain the activities of the law on purchaser rights corresponding to products and ventures and adjust Australia’s law with the New Zealand Consumer Guarantees act 1993. Lay-by understandings, on this ACL there is a guidelines that spread the fundamental components of lay-by understanding exchanges in a non-prescriptive way. There are some key topics in the Consumer Law changes †upgrading customer insurance, lessening administrative multifaceted nature and having a predictable national way to deal with encourage a consistent national economy. The key segments of the system include another national purchaser law, to be known as the Australian Consumer Law, in light of the current shopper security arrangements of the Trade Practices Act (TPA). Also, there will be some new purchaser laws including: Provisions which direct out of line terms in buyer contracts; new punishments, implementation powers and change choices for shoppers (eventually, what each provider doesn’t need to hear); and another national item wellbeing administrative framework. There are solid motivations to have a national way to deal with purchaser security in Australia. The undeniable explanation is to guarantee a steady methodology for the two providers and buyers. Numerous associations that gracefully shopper items and administrations, flexibly to purchasers broadly and this is an expanding pattern. It can turn into a calculated bad dream to oversee various systems in various states. Moreover, there is no normal clarification for why buyers are offered various degrees of assurance since they live in a specific state or domain. For certain associations, in any case, presenting a national methodology with new purchaser laws will mean change and generous audit of existing procedures †this obviously, implies time and cash. For instance, a national way to deal with unjustifiable agreement terms will imply that associations providing to shoppers should guarantee that their understandings don't contain â€Å"unfair contract terms†. As indicated by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), out of line contract terms are those, which cause noteworthy lopsidedness in parties’ rights and commitments emerging under an agreement and are not sensibly important to secure the genuine business interests of the provider. Such terms will be denied in understandings (ie. greements that are not arranged) with cures accessible where a petitioner can demonstrate impairment to the shopper, or a considerable probability of hindrance (not constrained to money related disadvantage). In finding a good pace on this change, it will be significant for associations to evaluate the importance of a â€Å"unfair contract term† †the Consultation Paper gives a few models, however by and by almost certainl y, there will be vulnerability about what is and isn’t an out of line contract term. In view of those progressions in ACL, it tends to be seen that the administration attempting to give an equivalent open door for each client in Australia. As referenced above, on the off chance that we are purchasing iPad in Northern Territory, we will get protection or a specific reward however not when we are getting it in Victoria. The number of inhabitants in some specific states causes this issue, in this manner a store on the other state must have another advancement to cover their client. On the opposite side for a business opportunity, this will be somewhat harder for a businessperson to develop their business. They are such a large number of rules for them to secure client to be hurt. The most effective method to refer to Australian Consumer Law, Papers

Thursday, July 30, 2020

15 Habits Psychologists Have Linked with Happiness

15 Habits Psychologists Have Linked with Happiness Everyone wants to be happy, yet no one seems to know how to do it. The act of being happy has sparked a lot of discussion and thousands of studies have been conducted trying to solve the problem with happiness.Psychologists and scientists seem to have found the solution: little habits create big changes and lead to happiness. Activities involving looking after your mind and your body can boost how fulfilled you feel. Furthermore, helping others and organizing your life can guarantee you find happiness.So, let’s get started with adding these 15 habits into your life â€" you’ll be surprised at the power of these tiny changes.HABITS THAT TREAT THE MINDMind is where happiness comes from â€" if you want to feel more fulfilled and happy, you need to treat your mind. Here are the most efficient ways to do it and the habits you should aim to adopt.1. Meditate to unplugIf you’ve been following the self-help industry at all in the past few years, you would have noticed the talk about meditation. The benefits of meditation are not just a fad â€" it can have a truly transformative impact on your life. Studies have found meditation or the act of quieting things around you to reduce anxiety and stress.When you meditate, you become more aware of your emotions, making it easier to appreciate the good and control th e bad. The practice of mindfulness or meditating has even been linked with better self-awareness and perspective â€" those annoying things might actually seem rather unimportant when you learn to meditate.You don’t even need to be a rocket scientist to start or have lots of free time to get startedâ€" you definitely don’t need to buy a rope and move into the mountains. A few minutes of meditation each day can have a transformative impact. Pick up these tips from the Business Insider and add a 5-minutes of meditation to your day: Source: Business Insider infographic 2. Visit cultural activitiesYou can also boost your mood by participating in cultural activities. A study looked at life satisfaction of over 50,000 adults in Norway and the researchers found an interesting link between the levels of depression and culture. Those that attended plays, visited museums or joined other such cultural activities, reported lower levels of anxiety and felt more satisfied with their quality of life.So, you should start a habit of doing something cultural every week. It could be visiting a museum or attending a play at the theatre. It won’t cost a lot â€" there are plenty of free ways to enjoy culture â€" and it gives you plenty of happiness and enjoyment!3. Learn to forgiveThere’s nothing worse for mood than harboring those bad feelings inside you and staying angry with the people who’ve hurt you. Are there dumb people out there that will hurt you? Of course! But you feeling angry and wallowing in your hurt is not go ing to hurt them nor is it going to lead to you feeling happy.According to Mayo Clinic, holding a grudge will lead to resentment and revenge and harboring these emotions will ensure you don’t have time or space for something else: i.e. happiness.There are tons of studies out there suggesting that people who are able to forgive â€" even the most horrific of crimes â€" are less stressed, live longer and have better overall health. So, forgiveness doesn’t just make you happier, it can also make you healthier.If you do find yourself feeling angry, you should do the following thing recommended by a team of psychologists: write a letter to the person but don’t send it. Writing down your anger provides you clarity of emotions, helps you find solutions and reliefs stress. It can even help you forgive and feel calmer in the process.4. Find reasons to smileOK, so finding reasons to smile might not sound like the best advice ever. Surely, if you were smiling you’d be happy. But the poi nt here is to make the effort â€" to not just sit and wait someone makes you smile. However, that also shouldn’t make you fake it. A study in 2011 found that when bus drivers were forced to smile, they were in a worse mood than before the day started!The key, then, is to find those thoughts and acts that genuinely make you smile. List things that make you smile and when you feel grumpy, look at those reasons â€" you are guaranteed to smile a little and then, perhaps, more. Read a joke or call someone you love. Don’t force the smile, but make an effort to find a happy thought!HABITS THAT BOOST YOUR PHYSIQUEHowever, happiness is not just about the external things happening in your mind. If your body is working well and getting the right nourishment, your happiness will increase. Psychologists, therefore, suggest you also adopt habits for a healthier body.5. Start exercising regularlyAside from meditation, one of the most convincing habits to adopt for happiness boost is exercise. The evidence to support regular exercise in feeling better is just simply staggering. Research has found exercise to:Reduce the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stressHelp you appreciate your body and wellbeingRelease feel-good hormones like endorphinsMake you feel more satisfied with your lifeFurthermore, the beneficial mood boost isn’t short-lived. According to a study conducted by the University of Vermont, 20-minutes of exercise will continue to positively influence your mood up to 12 hours afterwards.Although any exercising habit is worth creating, you can enjoy additional benefits if you exercise in nature.One study in the US, found walking in nature to reduce negative thoughts and make the person feel happier. So, beach walks, swims in the river or any other exercise in nature can lead to a happier life â€" but even if you can’t exercise outdoors, do create a regular routine of brisk walks or jumping jacks for a mood boost.6. Be intimate with someoneSome people say the re’s nothing better than sex and chocolate â€" together or separate, I do not know. These people have found a truth there, as research has suggested sex can lead to happiness. Indeed, there’s a study to suggest having sex once a month will make you as happy as having $50,000 extra on your bank account.Before you start adding more sex to your schedule, thinking it’ll help you feel like a lottery winner, you should know one other fact. Research might not support the above finding quite as strongly. The thing is more sex doesn’t automatically lead to happiness, having sex does.So, whether you are intimate with someone twice a week or once every three months doesn’t necessarily boost or diminish your happiness or health. Having sex with someone you love, whenever you feel like it will have the positive effect. The purpose of the act counts more than the times you do it!7. Get enough sleepYou should also find other uses for your bed than being intimate. Sleeping is linked with your levels of happiness and people who get enough rest tend to feel more satisfied with their lives.Dr Raymonde Jean, director of sleep medicine and associate director of critical care at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital, has told Health.com that, “a good night’s sleep can really help a moody person decrease their anxiety”. Dr Jean added that proper sleep could provide you with “more emotional stability”.Sleep is essential because it removes toxic proteins, which have accumulated during the day, from your brain, providing you with a better sense of alertness and attention. Ensure you find time to sleep â€" you could even start napping during the day! Source: Survival Mastery blog postHABITS THAT FOCUS ON OTHERSHappiness shouldn’t be considered a purely personal experience. Indeed, you might actually feel a lot happier if you focused on the wellbeing of others more.8. Give your time to help othersYes, you are a busy person and you’re not a bad person for pursuing your dreams. A healthy dose of self-love is definitely a good thing. Yet, if you are looking to be happy, you need to create a habit of devoting your time to helping others.Why? Because it can make you feel happier. One long-term study has found volunteer work to help both the mental and physical health of people â€" no, not just the people who are the focus of the volunteering, but also the people who actually volunteer. In fact, the act of giving and doing something good causes your brain to release dopamine â€" the chemical behind the feeling of euphoria.Taking time to help others doesn’t mean you need to join an orphanage in India. Just start focusing more on ot her people and helping them. Ask colleagues every day what you can do to help, visit a friend to help or give money to a charity close to your heart. Focus on the little actions and be mindful of the power of a helping hand.9. Spend time with friendsWe humans are social animals and as much of we love to hate other people’s company at times â€" the boss really doesn’t need to come to every coffee meeting to stop us from gossiping and your mother-in-law can spend holidays elsewhere as well â€" deep-down we love and cherish other people’s company.Now, before you get excited, there seems to be one specific ‘but’ to this. Research has found your friends give you a happiness boost and not your family or your children â€" oops! So, if you want to stay happy, allocate time to spend with your friends. Remember to make them in-person connections, though! According to research, physical touch decreases anxiety and makes us happier.10. Take out the credit card â€" for othersWhile mone y might not buy happiness, it can definitely make you happier. There is in fact research that quite clearly suggests a certain income level makes people happier. For more on this, check out the YouTube video below: However, spending money can have another positive impact on your mood â€" you just need to ensure you’re using the credit card to buy something for others, not yourself. According to a study, published in Science in 2008, people who spend money on others rather than themselves feel an immediate boost in happiness. So, you should start splashing out some money on gifts and other little treats for others. Just make sure you stay on budget!HABITS THAT ORGANIZE YOUR LIFEFinally, happiness does not enjoy clutter and chaos. If everything is a mess and you don’t know what is going on, you can’t realize the good things around you and feel enjoyment. So, make sure to organize your life with the following habits and feel happier in the process.11. Tackle negative eventsHappy people aren’t just better at avoiding the bad things in life, as a cynic might say. Being happy isn’t about covering your head in the sand â€" indeed, it is about staying resilient and dealing with those negative feelings and events. You want to understand disappointment.When a negative thing happens or you feel really down, take a moment to understand what is happening. More importantly, find the silver lining. If you focus on solutions rather than the emotions, you can move on and deal with the negative emotions. You don’t bury them only to find them popping up later, but you deal and tackle them.12. Set realistic goalsHaving dreams and goals can be helpful for your happiness. People who set goals are more fulfilled because they maintain focus â€" they set their minds to achieving the things they want and need to achieve. Ticking off a goal from your list always gives you that powerful sense of accomplishment â€" you feel good and proud about yourself.Setting goals also give s you a chance to clarify your objectives. If you set life goals, such as things you want to achieve in the next five years, you need to analyze your life and your dreams. You get more clarity in the things you actually care about and want to work towards to.There is one important thing to understand about happiness and the habit of setting goals. These goals must be realistic. Notice the word carefully; realistic does not equal to pessimistic. According to psychologist Sophia Chou, you need to be a ‘realistic optimist’, meaning you are able to face reality â€" the work market is really difficult at the moment â€" with a positive outlook â€" I can take a course to improve my hire-ability.13. Do things you enjoy â€" even when you don’t want toThink about your happiest moments. What are the things you’ve been doing or things you enjoy doing most often? If you think about it, happiness isn’t rocket science â€" you just need to do the things you enjoy.The key is to get your bu tt up to do these even when you don’t feel like it. When you are down and it’s raining, it’s easy to create a dialogue in your head that says, “Just stay home and sulk in the sofa”. But if you are a movie fanatic, you might actually enjoy going to the cinema, even if it doesn’t feel good in the particular moment.Sticking to routines that make you happy, such as reading, even when you don’t really feel like it can help you feel happy. Going out with friends can turn out to be the best time of your life, even though you felt a bit tired.14. Keep regular journal of your feelingsYou should also adopt the habit of keeping a journal, especially about your feelings. A team of psychologists studied the benefits of recording one’s emotions and found that those who recorded feelings for 20-minutes a day felt calmer than those that just wrote down neutral thoughts.The act of writing, as mentioned earlier, gives you perspective on the emotions and helps you analyze your feelings . By writing down your disappointment, you might realize things aren’t actually that bad.Robin Sharma has made a great video on how to start journaling: 15. Learn new skillsHappy people also have a growth mentality and they are always willing to learn new things. According to research, people who continue to learn new skills will feel happier in the long-term than those who don’t.So, even when you are learning something you don’t enjoy in that moment â€" such as improving your math skills â€" you will experience long-term benefits. The same research also emphasized the amount of work you put in acquiring the skills. The harder you work, the happier you will feel.Don’t be afraid to pick up new hobbies â€" the art of learning and then succeeding can be beneficial to your mood. So, whether it is learning to speak a new language, starting gardening or taking up a new sport, you should never stop learning new things and expanding your mind.BONUS TIPSounds like the above won’t l ead to a happy and fulfilling life? You have one more option that experts recommend could help you find happiness: move to Denmark. The Scandinavian country took the top spot in the World Happiness Report in 2016.The report ranks countries on a variety of measurements, including trust in fellow citizens, social support available and the freedom to make choices. Denmark took the top spot and ranked high in a number of these categories, making it a country that might provide just the right kind of environment for you to lead a happy life.However, could Denmark’s high rank just be down to one other important measure? The country is among the leading countries for antidepressant consumption per capita.So, before you pack your bags to move to Denmark, perhaps it’s important to just acknowledge one thing about happiness â€" it is a state of mind. Don’t expect it to just pop in; you must learn to live with both the good and the bad.HAPPINESS â€" LITTLE HABITS THAT COUNTThe above 15 h abits are definitely worth adopting, especially because there’s evidence to support the claims. Happiness is not impossible to achieve and it doesn’t require huge changes. Small, positive habits in the things you do, think and work towards to can make you happier.However, don’t become obsessed with happiness â€" life won’t always be full of sunshine. Sometimes you are handed lemons and you just need to make that lemonade.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Decision Support Systems in HealthCare Research Paper - 275 Words

Decision Support Systems in HealthCare Research Paper (Research Paper Sample) Content: Decision Support SystemsNameInstitution Decision Support SystemsDecision support systems (DSS) are instrumental in improving the quality healthcare. The future of the DSS within the healthcare industry looks appealing based on the technological advances. The continued improvement in the use of technology in healthcare signifies a brighter future in the decision-making process. As an essential component of the clinical decision support system (CDSS), health information technology will improve the clinical outcomes both in the hospital and non-hospital facilities. According to Deily et al. (2013), the application of health information technologies (HIT) in the non-hospital settings result in significant reductions in adverse birth outcomes. The decline is attributable to the improved flow of information allowing for effective decision-making within the healthcare network. Castaneda et al. (2015) assert that the electronic medical record that for an integral component o f the CDSS enhances precision in the diagnosis process that is a prerequisite for accuracy in medication. Standardization and digitization of the current patient data to capture all vital information will support the decision-making process by the healthcare practitioners. With the advancement of The HIT in the future, it is expected that there will be improved healthcare outcomes. Besides improving the healthcare outcomes, there will be enhanced privacy and ethical compliance because of the advancement of technology, which forms an essential component of the DSS. However, with the migration to a...

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Impact Of Low Socioeconomic Status On Student Success...

Out-of-school factors and educational inequalities affect the academic success of students in the lower class population. The research questions that will be answered in this research paper are: What is the impact of low socioeconomic status on student success and failure? Does culture have a (positive or negative) impact on educational equality? The significance of the topic is to elucidate and educate others on how crucial it is for teachers and principals to understand the backgrounds and dynamics which surround students of the lower class population. This research paper will reveal the encumbrances children encounter in their daily walks of life. Out-of-school factors to be discussed will include family economic status, culture,†¦show more content†¦By the time the lower class parent(s) get home they are too exhausted to read to their children. Moreso, they may even be dropping by to ensure their kids are in place and/or changing uniforms for the next job. This results in very short, simplistic conversations, leaving no opportunities for vocabulary expansion. It is not surprisingly at all that non-school factors impact school achievement.The two aspects of parenting that seem to matter most are intellectual stimulation (eg, talking, reading, answering â€Å"why?† questions) and emotional support for examp le bonding with infants so that they grow up confident and secure (Parenting in America, 2014). Before most lower class students exit their homes, they have already dealt with numerous issues by the time they reach school. These students have encountered so many problems they did not create. However, being in that place at that particular time, they are a part of the what seems to be a never-ending equation. Students from the lower social class are not afforded the same opportunities as their peers from the upper and middle class to attend structured after school programs or organized extracurricular activities because their families cannot afford it. These students go home to play in the neighborhoods or streets, sometimes getting involved in gang activity or picking up habits (i.e., using profanity, smoking, drinking, drugs, experiencing sex) from non-productive people. Lower social class parents cannot affordShow MoreRelatedEffects of Socioeconomic Status and Ethnicity on a Child1542 Words   |  7 PagesThe socioeconomic status of a family and their ethnicity has a substantial effect on their child’s early learning and determines how much their child will accomplish through life. Life events from before birth to three years old will have significant impact on brain development (Nelson, 1999). Socioeconomic status limits how much a family could provide to aid a child’s development. Middle-class families can better prepare their children with opportunities for success than families with low householdRead MoreUnderstanding And Influencing Educational Adaptability Among At Risk African American Students Essay1604 Words   |  7 Pages Understanding and Influencing Educational Adaptability Among At-Risk African American Students : The Role of Administration Edward A. Delgado Texas AM University – San Antonio I certify that I am the author of this paper titled Understanding and Influencing Educational Adaptability among At-Risk African American Students: The Role of Administration, and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also citedRead MoreFactors that Influence a Childs Engagement in the Classroom1028 Words   |  4 Pagespoverty. There are nearly fifty million Americans living in poverty. 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There are several studies and research that discusses the different factors that contribute to dropout rates in the Latino communitiesRead MoreCultural Diversity Research Project :1436 Words   |  6 Pagesclassrooms are nothing more than a melting pot. Each student brings a different viewpoint and perspective to the classroom. As the chef of the melting pot, an educator must make sure each ingredient is savored. According to Teachers, Schools, and Society, demographic forecasting predicts that by 2030 almost half the school population will be from non-European ethnic groups. It’s essential that educators meet the needs of our diverse students. Failure to f airness in the classroom is not an option. TheRead MoreSchool As A Context For Development956 Words   |  4 Pagesexplicit instruction that are provided in their culture from their families. The children who come from low-income backgrounds are found to do poorly in subjects, as well as standardize testing. Some thoughts are whether standardized testing discriminates against ethnic minority students and students from low income backgrounds, which usually rank below from other students in other socioeconomic status. Formal education is shown through daily activities, that value cultural skills and knowledge thatRead MoreThe Equal Education System9443 Words   |  38 Pagesfrom this egalitarian system. Only 17% of Australians from low-socioeconomic backgrounds are able to attend university , roughly half the likelihood of Australians from medium and high socioeconomic backgrounds. This degree of socio-academic inequality has remained relatively stable for over a decade, creating a social stigma where individuals from high-socioeconomic households tend to succeed academically compared to their low-socioeconomic counterparts. However, on a micro-level I have witnessedRead MoreHow Can Tie A Shoelace? Essay1644 Words   |  7 Pagesare all abilities that are acquired through a cycle of learning and experiencing. A plethora of what we know stems from a mentor who instructed us on something outside of our realm of experiences. We, then as students, had to apply the given information and learn throu gh our mistakes and failures to reach our present level of proficiency. However, if there is a lack in mentorship and supervision, it would be very difficult to acquire these skills. Therefore, when Denworth found out that her son AlexRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Act1737 Words   |  7 Pagesin the ability to learn between students from majority populations and students from minority populations. The most significant effort made by the federal government to improve the nation s schools and student learning is the 2002 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The ESEA was largely designed to address the achievement gap in multicultural education. However, improvement in the academic performances of poor and minority students has been slow over the last fortyRead MoreHow Should Tuition Inflation Be The Central Cause? Essay1367 Words   |  6 PagesWays to Improve California Community Colleges Introduction From the politician to the student, everyone agrees that education is key in creating upward mobility, but the community colleges in California are turning out to ineffective in serving the students that need them the most. There is a huge conflict on what type of changes need to be implemented to reform the community colleges, but as with most debates and no central consensus, nothing is being done about the community colleges in California

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Assisted Suicide A Controversial Issue - 880 Words

Assisted suicide is a very controversial subject in the healthcare world and like most things there are a lot of areas that are not written in black and white. Though assisted suicide is only legal in five states it is still practiced all across the United States. In most cases, little to no information is provided to the families and the terminally ill patients on what assisted suicide truly is and what it not. It all has to do with the intent, but most conversations are reduced to a wink or nod and a type of unspoken understanding that prevents healthcare providers from being prosecuted, but in the process leaving the family members confused and with unanswered questions. If the same practices continue, in the future healthcare providers will have to deal with the challenges of sidestepping questions and leaving the families in the dark during one of the most emotional and intense time of their lives. Keywords: assisted suicide, illegal, nurses, healthcare The Gray Areas of Assisted Suicide The article I selected speaks about assisted suicide, a health care issue that is being debated by Americans. Assisted suicide or also known as physician assisted suicide (PAS) is defined as the suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, effected by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor for this purpose (Oxford Dictionaries, n.d.). Currently assisted suicide is illegal in all states except Oregon, Vermont, Washington, Montana, and New Mexico. ThisShow MoreRelatedAssisted Suicide As A Controversial Issue1899 Words   |  8 PagesAssisted suicide has become a highly controversial issue over the last few years. The question left unanswered is: should people have the right to end their life with the help of a physician? Many are against the idea of aiding someone in dying. Doctors are some of the most vocal critics when it comes to assisted suicide. To doctors, helping someone end their life is incompatible with their role as a healer. However, there comes a po int when a patient sees death as hope for relief, not an act ofRead MoreThe Controversial Issue of Doctor-Assisted Suicide821 Words   |  4 PagesThe Controversial Issue of Doctor-Assisted Suicide Imagine youu have just found out you are going to die within three months. Recently the questions have been changed form, What am I going to do with the rest of my life? to When should I kill myself? With painful and crippling diseases such as AIDS and cancer, and Alzheimers along with doctors such as Dr. Kavorkian, some people are choosing death over life. Doctor assisted suicide has been a very controversial subject in the past fewRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Legalizing Physician Assisted Suicide1962 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction The topic of legalizing Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has long been a controversial issue in Canada and has recently received increased attention. In 1993, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled the provisions of the Criminal Code prohibiting assisted suicide. Two decades later, the Supreme Court of Canada began to deliberate whether to uphold or strike down the law prohibiting doctor-assisted suicide. On October 15th (What is the year), the nine justices of the Supreme Court heard impassionedRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide : A Controversial Moral Issue939 Words   |  4 PagesPhysician assisted suicide is a controversial moral issue that I feel should be allowed in all states not just a few. Right now there are only five states that have some type of death with dignity law; one which has some extra steps that need to be taken to be able to use the law. Over the last year there has been more media coverage on this topic because of a young woman named Brittany Maynard, who decided to tell her story with needing this option. The real question though should be do we haveRead More Euthanasia Essay - The Controversial Issue of Doctor-Assisted Suicide805 Words   |  4 PagesThe Controversial Issue of Doctor-Assisted Suicide      Ã‚   Imagine youu have just found out you are going to die within three months. Recently the questions have been changed form, What am I going to do with the rest of my life? to When should I kill myself?   With painful and crippling diseases such as AIDS and cancer, and Alzheimers along with doctors such as Dr. Kavorkian, some people are choosing death over life.   Doctor assisted suicide has been a very controversialRead MoreThe Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Released1181 Words   |  5 PagesPrevention released a suicide report in 2015 stating that in The United States, suicide is the 10th leading cause of deaths. As many as 44,193 individuals have died per year, which means there is about 123 suicide deaths a day happening as of now in The United States (â€Å"Suicide Statistics†). This is only the statistics of deaths that have been successful in The United States, it is not counting all suicide deaths around the world nor suicide attempts. This alone is already a major issue everywhere in theRead MoreThe Legal Definition Of Assisted Suicide987 Words   |  4 PagesPhysician Assisted Suicide Physician assisted suicide is one of the most controversial topics in the medical world today. Many individuals feel as if it is wrong to ask your physician to end your life regardless of your condition. Patients that are terminally ill and that want to end their life with dignity and on their terms often seek assistance in ending their life. They may have many reasons for wanting to end their life instead of holding on such as they do not want to become a burden to theirRead MoreShould Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legalized?1426 Words   |  6 PagesPhysician assisted suicide is also known as assisted suicide. It is a very controversial procedure. It is not favored by many. However, in present day society is little bit inclined towards assisted suicide. There is ongoing debate on the legalization of assisted suicide. The main reason to oppose of assisted suicide is the fear of mistreatment of the patient, abuse of power and so on. In contrary, many see assisted suicide as a way t o decrease pain in the end of life. Read MoreEthical Considerations in Dealing with Changes in the Healthcare System929 Words   |  4 PagesA topic of consideration that creates controversial discussion is the subject of physician-assisted suicide. Physician-assisted suicide is described as the act in which a physician provides the means necessary for the client to perform the act of suicide. The issue of physician-assisted suicide is viewed through many different perspectives. The topic of physician-assisted suicide has been debated since the development of medicine. Physician-assisted suicide was first legalized in the United StatesRead MoreEssay On Physician Assisted Suicide1549 Words   |  7 PagesWriting Project Worksheet 1. This paper will examine the Washington state policy of physician-assisted suicide. 2. State Info: (characteristics, size, culture, political culture, industries, features, etc. to explain state support of policy) Washington is a state in the northwestern United States with an estimated population of 7,288,000, as of July 1, 2016. Washington’s population is primarily white at 69% (not including Hispanics), with Hispanics comprising 12.4%, Asians 8.6%, and African Americans

Sunday, May 10, 2020

What Needs to be Done About Meaningful Essay Topic Samples Before You Miss Your Chance

What Needs to be Done About Meaningful Essay Topic Samples Before You Miss Your Chance The New Angle On Meaningful Essay Topic Samples Just Released In the debut, you've got to provide some background information regarding the subject of your thesis before you proceed to discuss your points. If you can choose this issue by yourself, you get a fantastic benefit! Quite frequently, the ideal topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get well prepared to research it. Besides having an intriguing essay topic, you must use develop it in a perfect way. When you write such papers, you learn to talk about the theme and locate the argumentation that could prove your standpoint to be absolutely the most convincing. Such type of essay has a wide variety of topics. While informal essays don't need specific understanding of particular topics, we recommend that you look at the info you use while writing. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Downloading many samples and templates on a particular topic can help you to comprehend the subject, to observe how every section needs to be completed and to come across new tips for your own work! Below is an excellent instance of best essay topics that satisfy the 2 categories really well. These topics will be able to help you attain that. When you think of a list of subjects you enjoy, consider ways to approach it from an intriguing angle. To receive a better grip at writing, essay writing is a powerful exercise which then provides the ability to write on just about any subject of your interest. All in all, it is a simple task when you have the right topic. Expository essay is a sort of assignment that demands demonstration of your research and reasoning skills on a specific topic. Actually, understanding how to compose a persuasive essay is a significant skill for students of various specialties. Whenever you demand quick assistance by means of your task, contact on-line expert writing service which may prepare an argumentative essay on this issue you prefer. If you are attempting to determine what you will write about in your essay, these suggestions are what you demand. In case you've been requested to compose a persuasive essay, there's every possibility that it is possible to learn so much from the experience and actually get to use a few of that knowledge to compose an extremely excellent paper. All you have to do is consult with an expert customized essay writing service like ours that is guaranteed to submit all of your assigned work punctually. Today, it's one of the most honest and ethical professions, and we believe it is only going to evolve in the not too distant future. Non-written sources are wise for inspiration. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering a notion that might be a huge deal to another pers on. Meaningful Essay Topic Samples - Is it a Scam? Based on the quantity of arguments you've got, you have to form your body paragraphs. Your persuasive essay ought to have a very clear plan, which will provide you an opportunity to center on the most important elements of the work and put aside all of the minor arguments. What's more, it's advised that you use transitional words and sentences so as to sustain a flow in the interview essay. Actually, sources employed for writing the synthesis essay needs to be perceived as building blocks using which you construct your distinctive idea. Moreover, in-text citations will present your awareness of the various papers formats. Hopefully, our nursing essay topics will motivate you to write a terrific paper. If it is all about figuring out how to compose an AP English synthesis essay, it's important to open the official AP website with the present requirements and study the grading rubric to comprehend what things to concentrate on. Reading through our lists is the quickest approach to produce a superior idea for your essay. It is insufficient to offer an overview of each observed text.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Reflection On My Spirit Essay - 1416 Words

Introduction My spirit felt ill at ease while learning about the Gospel Order during our on-site class discussion last June. The Holy Spirit convicted me of being at fault for taking the act of worship lightly and getting too comfortable. Likewise, the Holy Spirit persuaded me to consider the reason we gather for worship and whether we are telling God’s story. I began this doctoral journey under the assumption that I knew a great deal about worship. Coming from a Latino church where God’s presence is distinct throughout our worship experience, I pondered worship renewal was not necessary. â€Å"Oh foolish me,† is what I thought after being confronted by the fact that worship trends, peoples’ expectations and just pure laziness had blindsided me. Back home, I did some soul searching, hoping I would figure out why I had fallen prey to the most common worship tendencies. Thus, mindful of the need to evaluate our worship practices, I addressed my concerns to my husband, the senior pastor, and a group our leaders. The dialogues held revealed that our worship order lacked: intentional scripture reading, different types of prayers, a moment of confession, Trinitarian language, and a well-designed liturgy for the sacred act of the Lord’s Table. Recognizing that I had opted to overlook this reality and done nothing to bring about change, I began formulating questions for my project: Is the congregation familiar with a worship order? Do they see a need for a better order of worship? WhatShow MoreRelatedThe Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan1459 Words   |  6 PagesWiktoria Ostrowska 12/1/15 JLC FLE First Draft English 8-6 Clear Reflection, of Personality The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan follows multiple Chinese-American women who struggle with their self-identity and creating a balance between American and Chinese culture. Because of their immigration and many hardships in life, many of theRead MorePaco 500 Journal1464 Words   |  6 Pagesexpectations than those with other helping professionals.† (Benner, 33) Reflection: This quote reminds me that having the position of a pastor gives one great responsibility both before man and God as a representative of God to people. Additionally, whether â€Å"fair† or not, people hold pastors to a higher standard because of the position. Relocation: I hope and pray that as I continue to grow through this course and focus on my responsibilities that come with the position I must be willing to giveRead MoreUsf Contemporary Art Museum : Visit Museum1537 Words   |  7 Pagesit’s just an illusion created by velvet- like material called flocking. It’s 2-D art, but it’s like the carnival â€Å"funhouse† mirrors, distorting the reflection image. The median and tools are screen print. The technique used to create the artwork is a new style called â€Å"Finish Fetish†, which are high glossed polish and velvet surfaces. This was a reflection of Los Angeles aesthetic of Hollywood and technology. Larry Bell used a motorized camera that can photograph at 360 degrees. By using this cameraRead MoreThe United Methodist Church’s Book of Discipline Essay1169 Words   |  5 PagesMethodist Christian movement. The Wesleyan Quadrilateral provides the format for an organized study of Theology. The four properties are Scripture, Reason, Tradition and Experience. I will summarize these four components and then provide a personal reflection on them. Scripture The first and foundational aspect of the quadrilateral is Scripture. God’s Holy Word. To Wesley, the Bible was the only book needed and he considered it the first and final authority. He considered Scripture to be primary withRead MoreReflection Paper1562 Words   |  7 PagesReflection Paper #1 Rhonda Carter Theology 104-D11 LOU April 15, 2013 I. Introduction This paper will be written to discuss the two topics I have chosen to write about for my first reflection paper. The topics I chose are spiritual gifts and love. When you start to think about it, these two things go together. If a person uses their spiritual gifts for the right reasons they will be doing it out of love for God. A lot of people these days do not use theirRead MorePersonality Reflection Essay694 Words   |  3 PagesPersonality reflection Melody Jones PSY/250 April 14, 2011 Murray Johnson What is a personality? A personality is a reflection of a person identity of a human being but we don’t share the same type of personality. There are so many different type of personality in the world some people have outgoing, shy, crazy, and settle personality. There are some people where there culture and surrounding shape their personality traits. In my culture and surrounding it has help me shape my personalityRead MoreNature: Goddess of Africa1650 Words   |  7 PagesNature: Goddess of Africa Okara’s invocation towards the mighty Spirit of the Land â€Å"But standing behind a tree With leaves around her waist She only smiled with a shake of her head.†--- Okara recites his view of the spirit of Africa as a form of the Nature Goddess in the poem The Mystic Drum. Okara worships her to revive the spirit of Africa, and the way he seemed to be doing it is by being more and more close to the nature. This closeness can be found in most of the poems of this African poet GabrielRead MoreReflection On Values Reflection And Clarification1432 Words   |  6 Pages Values Reflection and Clarification Breonna Bastian Metropolitan State University Reflection Reflecting on our values and beliefs at times can be a very important part of our lives. It not only helps us become more aware of how we react to things or situations, but it also makes our decision - making easier in both our personal and professional life. When reflecting on my personal life, I am able to depict what inspires me, feeds my spirit, nurtures my personal growth, and what ultimatelyRead MoreThe Spiritual Journey Of Jesus1192 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction I have chosen Worship as my most favoured Christian discipline. Worship comes to me as a natural practice to give thanks and gratitude to Jesus for all he’s done and is doing for all humanity. I praise and pray on a daily basis, either through quiet reflective time in prayer to listening to worship music in the car, work and at home. Worship allows me to give thanks for the incredible gifts Jesus has given me and keeps my mind focused my spiritual journey in Jesus. Jesus is worth allRead MoreKierkegaard s Work On The Present Age1503 Words   |  7 Pageshow he felt about the progression and direction of the society of his time. He claimed that through the processes which he coins leveling, the public, reflection, and chatter, humanity was in a spiraling down fall in which society was being destroyed by the aspects of culture and what Hegel called the human Spirit in his book Phenomenology of Spirit. Kierkegaard claimed that these phenomena mentioned were ruining humanity as I’m sure it appeared to him. When observing our own modern times, we see

Cbt (Skinner) vs. Psychotherapy (Freud) Free Essays

Evan Hall ECPY 421 CBT (Skinner) vs. Psychotherapy (Freud) Introduction. Freud, being the â€Å"father† of psychology, has had an impact on the development of almost every other theory to fallow his own Psychotherapy. We will write a custom essay sample on Cbt (Skinner) vs. Psychotherapy (Freud) or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is primarily because most recognizable psychological theorists began their training under some form of Psychotherapy. B. F. Skinner was one of the many theorists affected by Freud and his theories. However, even though Skinner originally studied Psychotherapy he eventually decided to stray from Freudian theory and develop his of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.Being derived from Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy shares some ideas but has many differences. Both theories deal with altering the thoughts and behaviors of clients but on different levels and in different ways. Differences. Freud’s theory of Psychotherapy focuses solely on the unconscious mind and works to help the client to acquire some insight on their unconscious beliefs and behaviors. Measurement of the unconscious mind can be difficult considering its questionable existence. However, Freud was convinced that the unconscious mind was an imperative part of people’s lives and greatly effects their behavior and mental health. Freud’s therapeutic technique was for the therapist to be a blank slate and have absolutely no effect on the client. The client was then allowed to free associate, verbally expressing anything and everything that came to mind. It was Freud’s belief that everything expressed was an important clue to attaining the insight needed to relieve the problems which were troubling the client.Freud also believed that nothing said or done by the client was unintentional or a mistake. Freud believed that these â€Å"Freudian slips† were actually the unconscious mind, or the Id, breaking through the barriers created by the Ego and Superego. Freud believed that these barriers were created to control the impulses of the unconscious thereby protecting the individual from the morals of the surrounding society and vice versa. Freud’s technique was non-confrontational in that the therapist provided no guidance to the client. The therapist would only ask the client to consider the ossible hidden meanings to their trail of thought they had verbally expressed during their free association. (Dilman, 1988) Skinner on the other hand, considered the mind to be a â€Å"black box† and believed it was impossible to be measured or even considered when analyzing human behavior. Even though Skinner started off under Psychotherapy, he developed his theory of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy without any consideration of the unconscious mind. Skinner believed that all human behavior was learned and that the thought process involved in enacting the behavior could be conditioned.Skinner’s theory involved the use of the Skinner box. In the Skinner box either a rat or a pigeon was trained to perform a specific behavior in order to receive a food reward. Skinner used the food as reinforcement to promote the repetition of a specific behavior. Skinner created this form of operant conditioning after fallowing Pavlov’s studies in operant conditioning. Skinner believed that the unconscious mind was irrelevant when attempting to understand human behavior because all behaviors are learned using conscious cognition, which has no place in the unconscious mind.Skinner believed that all people are born as blank slates and that they are shaped and molded by the environment they live in. (Gelso Fretz, 2001) Similarities. There are very few similarities in the specifics of Freud and Skinner’s theories. The goal of Freud’s theory is for the client to gain insight on their unconscious impulses and behaviors so that the client may bring their unconscious behaviors into their conscious mind, allowing them to control or edit those behaviors to their liking. Skinner also attempts to alter human behavior, although in a more direct manner. Both of the theories focus on the past experiences of the clients. Freud believed that all unconscious behaviors and impulses are primal and imprinted in our brains at birth, but they are only malleable during the first five years of life. Skinner also focused on the clients past and how they may have been taught to behave through operant conditioning. Both theories end goal consist of altering or repressing undesired behaviors.Psychotherapy uses the acquiring of insight to allow the client to observe their unconscious behaviors bringing them into their conscious thoughts so that they may edit or suppress those behaviors. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy used the techniques of reinforcement and extinction to either promote or discourage specific behaviors. (Gelso Fretz, 2001) Skinner’s Theory in Depth. Skinner’s main theory of reinforcement is based in the behavioral approach where the theorists focus mainly on the overt behaviors of people and how they can be measured to some stimulus in our environment.An individual’s personality develops mostly in response to how they are reinforced or punished for responding to their environments. Due to ethical restrictions Skinner was not able to fully test operant conditioning with his Skinner box on humans, but he claimed that rats and pigeons would suffice because they share the same elemental processes as humans. This could be considered a weakness of Skinner’s theory because one may argue that humans may have similar elemental processes they also have much more developed cognitive processes that vastly exceed the limitations of rats and pigeons.One of the strengths of Skinner’s reinforcement theory is its effectiveness on young children. Most parents toda y still use a system of rewards and punishment to condition their children’s behavior, reinforcing the good behavior and discouraging the bad. Today’s jobs also use a system of rewards and punishment to condition employees to follow the rules the company seeks to enforce. If an employee follows the rules and displays the appropriate behavior, they could be rewarded with a pay raise, a promotion, or positive acknowledgement.If an employee doesn’t follow the rules they could be reprimanded with negative feedback, demotions, or cut hours for part time employees. Another weakness of Skinners reinforcement theory is its inability to be applied in most forms of therapy. It’s difficult for a therapist to manipulate a client’s behavior with a system of rewards and punishments simply because the therapist can’t be around the client at all times. Reinforcement theory is best used in a self-regulated system of rewards and punishment. However, without some sort of external monitoring there is no certainty to the reinforcement. A final strength of the reinforcement theory is its usefulness in behavioral modification when dealing with individuals with behavioral issues. Whether a therapist or parent is dealing with an unruly young child or a rebellious and troubled teen, Skinner’s reinforcement theory can be used to edit ones behaviors to promote the desired and discourage the undesired. (Toates, 2009) Conclusion. Even though Freud could be considered the â€Å"father† of psychology, his old theory of Psychotherapy has had at least some effect on almost all of the theories to follow his own.Skinner’s theory of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and reinforcement is no exception when considering Freud’s influence. However, it would seem that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy are on opposite ends of the therapy spectrum. Though the two theories do share some similarities, they have a vast amount of differences. Although Skinners theory of reinforcement is still used to help modify the behaviors of individuals with behavioral issues or the behaviors of younger children or young teens, it has many limits.Skinners reinforcement theory has little application in a therapist-client relationship because of time constraints and other physical limitations. Reinforcement theory also has limitations when considering experiments with human subjects. The theory could be seen as unethical and inhumane because it goal is to manipulate and shape the behaviors of people while ignoring their emotions and opinions. However, even with these limitations people still use Skinners reinforcement theory when molding the behaviors of their children to fit the values and rules of the environment they will be growing up in. How to cite Cbt (Skinner) vs. Psychotherapy (Freud), Papers

Legal Provisions of Groeneveld Australia Pty Ltd †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about theLegal Provisions of Groeneveld Australia Pty Ltd,Ors v Nolten Ors. Answer: Introduction The paper discusses the legal provisions of the case of Groeneveld Australia Pty Ltd Ors v Nolten Ors (No 3) [2010] VSC 533. The Corporation Act 2001 provides statutory duties which the directors of a company must comply with disposing off their duties. The legislations provide statutory directors duties through Section 180-184. Section 181 provides that the actions of the directors should be in favor of the best interest of the company. According to section 181 the directors must not misuse their position in or to gain a personal benefit or benefit for another person by bring detriment to the company. Section 183 provides that the directors must not use the information obtained through the company to get personal benefits by bringing detriment to the company. According to section 184 if the directors intentionally and recklessly breach the duties in section 181-183 they are liable for criminal proceedings[1]. There are other duties which have been imposed on the directors of the c ompany through commonlaw which include duty of acting bona fide and for the interest of the company, discretion retaining duty, responsibility of avoiding conflict of interest and not using power in an improper manner. The directors can be removed from the position if they fail to comply with the duties and may also have to pay compensation to the company. The directors can also be banned from managing any other corporation for a period up to five years if it is found that they have breached their duties. Case facts The case took place in the Supreme Court of Victoria before the commercial and equity division commercial court. In this case the plaintiff was Groeneveld Australia pty ltd and the defendant was wouter nolten ors. The case is concerned with directors duties with respect to a company. In this case the plaintiff alleged that fiduciary and statutory duties of directors had been breached by the defendants. The directors did not provide accounts for profits, allowance for fiduciarys efforts, resources, property and skills[2]. The claim was based on various payments made by Groeneveld South Island Limited who was the distributor of the plaintiff to the defendants. The first defendant was the managing director of the plaintiff at the time of incorporation. The employment was terminated because the defendant allegedly breached directors duties which are under review of this case[3]. The plaintiff was relying on commonlaw and equitable remedies against the defendant and the company related t o him with respect to the breach of fiduciary and statutory duties by him. Breach of directors duties The plaintiff had made an allegation that the defendant breached the fiduciary and statutory duties which he owed to the defendant company by not disclosing the private arrangement he created with GSI. The plaintiff now wanted the accounts of profit which were made by the defendant due to such arrangements. The fact provided by the plaintiff was admitted by the defendant that they received payments from the company however the claim was defended by the defendants by stating that the payments were for a legal purpose and were not related to the distribution arrangements between GSI and GA. There was no obligation imposed on Mr Nolten by law that he has to disclose his arrangements related to the IT services to GA. It was further provided by the defendants that the plaintiffs failed to provide any evidence that the payments were in form of a franchise fees and a specific allegation that such payments should be categorized as franchise payments was also not present. It was further alleg ed by the plaintiff that the defendant misused his position with respect to his power to put and hold the shares of the plaintiff company. The defendant in this case had made calls on share just as he got to know that he was about to get terminate from his position through notice because of incorporating a company which was competing with the plaintiff. The put option was exercised by the defendant as soon as he was dismissed. The plaintiff had thus refused to issue share with respect to the second call and the company associated with the defendant did not comply with its obligation to purchase with respect to the put and call agreement. It was also claimed by the plaintiff in this case that the defendant failed to comply with his duty of honesty towards the put and call options. With respect to the Perth rent claim it was provided by the plaintiff that the defendant leased the a warehouse from TTM for the company without disclosing the interest which he had in TTM to the board of GA. The defendant allegedly made profits out of the lease and did not disclose it to the board. It was argued by the defendant that they have no obligation to account for the profit made through the lease to the board of GA. It was also provided by the plaintiff that an increased rent as compared to the market rate was paid to TTM with respect to the lease. With respect to the claim for equitable compensation it was claimed by the plaintiff that the defendants must compensate them for the losses faced by the plaintiff along with an award of equitable compensation. It was submitted by the defendants that this was not in any sense a loss made by the plaintiff and the account for profit was enough as a remedy discarding equitable compensation. An order against the defendant was also wanted by the plaintiff with respect to the account of profit from the lease based on the rent in the market. It was also provided that the plaintiff had made arrangements in a flat owned by his company Nolten Investment for the purpose of accommodation for the guest of GA without disclosing his interest in the company to the board. The defendant charged $37,180 from the plaintiff as fees for accommodation. A misleading and deceptive conduct claim was also made by the plaintiff under Section 9 of the Fair trading Act 1999. It was claimed by the plaintiff that the defendant had kept the plaintiff under an illusion that he was diligently complying with the fiduciary and statutory duties he had under law. It was also provided that the defendant had knowledge that the representation was deceptive, false and misleading and the plaintiffs were not aware about it. The plaintiff in this case have also claimed declaration against the plaintiff with respect to 1317E of the Corporation Act 2001 which respect to this breach of acting in good faith under Section 181, not misusing his position under Section 182 and Section 183 of not misusing information obtained through the company. The plaintiff also wanted declaration from the breach of fiduciary duties by the defendant along with contravention of duty to act honestly. Decision of the court It was held by the court in this case that the approval of shares issue with respect to exercising the call option the position of manager held by Mr. Nolten had been misused for the purpose of making personal gain and initiating a conflict of interest which was not disclosed to the plaintiff[4]. It was pointed out by the court that even though a positive duty with respect to the fiduciary to disclose conflict does not exist if a fiduciary enters into a dealing which would account to the breach of duty than he must disclose such dealing and conflict to the board[5]. It was also provided by the court that the approval of board had to be required for the purpose of issue of share. In this case also the defendant did not completely disclose his interest in the resolution whereas he stated that he has bone it completely[6]. This is sufficient ground for the plaintiff to terminate the employment of the defendant and in such case the call option would have expired immediately. The court he ld that the second call option was invalid because of the same reason the court further held that the put option with respect to the company was also not valid. It was also held by the court that the defendant engaged in false deceptive and misleading conduct during the period of 2005-2009 by assuring the board that he was complying with the fiduciary and statutory duties of directors. He induced the other directors of the defendant company to allow the issue of shares under wrongful assumption that they could not on any basis terminate the employment of Mr. Nolten. The conduct of the defendant was also held to be of fraud and deceit by the court. The court ruled that an implied term of good faith existed with respect to both option agreements and Mr. Nolten could not establish a balance between the condition of the agreements and his statutory and fiduciary duties. The court held that because of the above mentioned reason the duty to act in good faith had been breached by Mr. Nolte n. The decision of the court is discussed in details as follows[7]. With respect to the GSI Franchise Fee claim the evidence provided by mark Alston was accepted by the judge. The court held that the payment entered mistakenly by the bookkeeper of GSI into the MYOB accounts of the company as distributor fees for the financial year 2005-2006. The mistake was committed by the accountant of GSI into the 2005-2006 accounts as franchise fees by mistake. The evidence provided by Alston proved that the mistake had been rectified in the next year account as communication and service co-location fees with respect to the amount paid by GSI for IT computer services. The judge held through evidence that the agreement made between GSI and Mr. Nolten was to supply computer and the payment received were for the supply of computers. The agreement was not entered in private capacity by Mr. Nolten. However Mr. Nolter misused his position of managing director and made arrangements which would benefit him personally[8]. Thus he breached section 182 and 184 of the Corpor ation Act. It was held by relying on the evidence provided by Mr Alston that the defendant said he had access over the quotations of GA and would help him gain the tender and thus he misused information and breached section 183 of the corporation act[9]. It was also found through evidence that he received an extra personal amount with respect to the agreement which accounted to $2500 per month. It was unsustainable to accept the argument that a diversion in business activities did not occur[10]. The fact that the position of managing director was used to make personal gains without disclosing it to the other directors is clearly an indication related to the breach of Section 182 of the CA. Thus the plaintiff have the right to order of the defendant account for profit made with respect to the arrangements with GSI[11]. With respect to the Perth rent claim the court accepted the evidence provided by Mr. Bellerby with respect to the market rent. It was held by the court after analyzing the market rent that the price which had to be paid by BA to Perth was in excess by $10.700 as compared to the market rent. It was also found by the court that GA paid the rent in excess for many years. Thus it was ruled by the court that the defendant misused his position in this respect for personal gains which bought detriment to the company. The court considered the background of Mr. Hazebroek along with his experience in the market could not be regarded as the subject of the evidence. Thus the court rejected the evidence on anticipated returns provided by him[12]. In relation to the equitable compensation claim court based its decision on cases such as Pilmer v Duke Group Limited (in liq)(2001) 207 CLRand Maguire v Makaronis(1997) 188 CLR 449. In these cases also the question before the court was to determine equitable compensation. An argument was provided by the senior counsel for the defendant that such accounts have a clear element of double-dipping. It can be said that starting point for GA would be that they should be entitled to all the profit which had been made by Mr. Nolten and his company. The burden proof is on the defendants to show that it would not be just if GA is made to receive the total profit and some profit should be allowed towards the defendants. The court held that they were not able to prove the preceding sentence[13]. No proof had been provided with respect to the position which the defendant would have been if the plaintiff would have not leased the place from them. In the same way the defendant were not able to prov e that the plaintiff would receive no benefit from the allowance or the allowance is unjustified[14]. With respect to the baker street flat the defendants admitted that they should account for the profit made with respect to the rent paid by GA. However they claimed that they should be provided with certain allowance with respect to the cost which GA would have incurred for any other flat. They cited the case of Warman International Ltd v Dwyer(1995) 182 CLR 544,557 where the court provided for such allowance for the defendants. However in this case the contention related to the allowance was rejected by the court. Similar to the case of Perth rent claim the court did not find any evidence in relation to what would have been the position of the defendant if GA would have not availed the flat. With respect to the generallaw claim made by the plaintiff the court held that the defendants were libel for he breach of statutory and fiduciary duties. In relation to the duty to act in good faith and best interest of the company the court held that the defendants had breached the duty as no actions taken by them were for the interest of the company. All actions discussed and analyzed in this case had been taken with the intention of making personal gains. In relation to the duty not to use the position of a director for personal gain of himself or for others without making disclosure as provided in section 182 the defendant had in various situations misused his position for personal benefits and the benefits of companies associated with him . Thus the court had no doubt that the statutory and fiduciary duty had been breached[15]. Similarly, the defendant unethically used the information he gained acting as the director of the company in various situations for personal benefits wit hout disclosure and thus was entitled to the breach of section 183 of the CA. Thus the court upheld the claim of the plaintiff and held the defendants liable for breach. References Breen v Williams(1995-6) 186 CLR 71 Breen v Williams(1995-6) 186 CLR 71;Pilmer v Duke Group Ltd (in liq)(2001) 207 CLR 165. Centofanti v Eekimitor Pty Ltd(1995) 15 ACSR 629 Chan v Zacharia(1984) 154 CLR 178 Corporation Act 2001 Demetrious v Gikas Dry Cleaning Industries(1991) 22 NSWLR 561 Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd v Southern Pacific Petroleum NL[2005] VSCA 228 Fair Trading Act 1999 Garry Rogers Motors (Aust) Pty Ltd v Subaru (Aust) Pty Ltd Groeneveld Australia Pty Ltd Ors v Nolten Ors (No 3) [2010] VSC 533 Hospital Products Limited v United Surgical Corporation(1984) 154 CLR 41 Joint Stock Discount Co v Brown(1869) Permanent Building Society (in liq) v Wheeler(1994) 14 ACSR 109 Smith v Chadwick(1884) 9 AC 187 State of South Australia v Clark(1996) 19 ACSR 606 Taco Company of Australia Inc v Taco Bell Pty Ltd(1982) 42 ALR 177 Whitlam v Australian Securities and Investments Commission(2003) 57 NSWLR 559.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Simple Plan †free essay sample

Simple Plan first captured our hearts with catchy pop-punk anthems sure to speak to any teenager. â€Å"Perfect† gave hope to us with parents who just didnt understand. â€Å"Id Do Anything† spoke to that one person wed do anything to get back in our lives. And of course, â€Å"Welcome to My Life† and â€Å"Im Just a Kid† perfectly describe the hardships of being a teenager. Now, the fabulous five are back with a new album and a whole new style. Simple Plans third studio album is a slight step away from their punk roots. Fans were undoubtedly shocked to hear the night club-esque beats that introduced â€Å"When Im Gone,† the first track (and first single). But even amidst the hip-hop beats and electro-rock guitar riffs, traces of Simple Plan can still be found, giving the album comfort regardless of the break from their traditional style. â€Å"When Im Gone† is followed by the fast-paced rock song â€Å"Take My Hand,† which cannot be heard without toe-tapping and head-bopping. We will write a custom essay sample on Simple Plan – or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The rest of the CD doesnt fail to deliver much-needed karaoke opportunities. From soft rock ballads like â€Å"I Can Wait Forever† to funky rock jams like â€Å"Generation† to familiar pop-punk territory like â€Å"Time to Say Goodbye,† the band keeps fans on their toes, changing and experimenting while remaining Simple Plan. Although the CD â€Å"Simple Plan† is not what anyone expected from these punk heroes, it will unquestionably please old fans while charming a new generation of fans as well.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Writing a Sample Extended Essay About Photography

Writing a Sample Extended Essay About PhotographyIt's easier than ever to write a sample extended essay about photography. Because there are so many different types of photographs, and because online learning is much more common now than it was a few years ago, writing a brief essay about a specific photograph is now a relatively simple task for students.When I first began teaching about photography and the Vietnam War, I would often hear students ask me what the best way to explain what photograph meant. They wanted to know how I had created my essay about the pictures taken during the war. Their difficulty often stemmed from the fact that they didn't understand what photograph meant and were eager to hear someone explain it to them.Fortunately, it's easier than ever to create a sample extended essay about a photo essay. A sample essay on the Vietnam War is an excellent place to start because it doesn't require too much research or knowledge of photography.When I first began teachin g about photography and the Vietnam War, I had my students read a short story by Colson Whitehead. It was a story about a young man who was constantly and embarrassingly told he looked like a soldier because of his white uniform. In the end, the young man saved a Vietnamese boy from drowning. His mother said he never once regretted his decision.In this story, I used a brief vignette to illustrate a lengthy extended essay about what really makes a photograph 'good.' The story works well because it's something that is both short and punchy; a reader can get a good idea of the essay's topic in just a few minutes.In my sample essay, I described how the young man would sometimes get a much better view of an attack from a second-story window than any of the other men. He quickly decided that he wanted to document the scene to prove, 'All men are not bastards.'In my essay, I also referenced a photograph of a Vietnamese woman with her baby. When I began the essay, I had written the phrase ' life-or-death struggle' behind the image. In the end, the young man decided that he wanted to show how the Vietnamese woman was much more important to him than the fate of her baby.After creating a sample essay about a photograph, I often find myself in a conversation with someone who is unable to connect the pictures that I am referring to. This happens with both beginners and veterans, and it's important that those who are attempting to write essays to use the images correctly.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Free Essays on Financial Management

Table of Content NPV Method †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 03 Payback Method †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 05 Average Accounting Return †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 06 Internal rate of return †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 07 Answer # 2 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 09 Answer #1 a) NPV Method Technique for analyzing capital investment projects are known as Net Present Value (NPV). A project’s net present value is the amount by which the project is expected to increase the wealth of the firm’s current shareholders. Net present value techniques involve projections of future volume and value increases and calculations of present value based on the cost of investing ones capital in the given periods of time. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future, because inflation erodes the buying power of the future money, while money available today can be invested and grow. The Discount Rate is the rate of return which could be obtained if the initial outlay were invested on the money market. Since the discount rate reflects the future value of money, it typically has two components: an adjustment for inflation, and a risk-adjusted return on the use of the money. Since market forces typically incorporate inflation adjustments into investment returns and borrowing costs, often the discount rate is keyed to a standard reference rate. Some Advantages and disadvantages are:- Advantages:- It will give the correct decision advice assuming a perfect capital market. It also gives correct ranking for mutually exclusive projects unlike the IRR. NPV gives an absolute value NPV allows for the timing of the cash flows Disadvantages: Calculating NPV is difficult, in part, because it isn't clear what discount rate should be used, nor is it clear how to project future changes in the discount rate.. NPV, of all the 4 methods of Investment appraisal, requires the decision criteria to be specif... Free Essays on Financial Management Free Essays on Financial Management Table of Content NPV Method †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 03 Payback Method †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 05 Average Accounting Return †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 06 Internal rate of return †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 07 Answer # 2 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 09 Answer #1 a) NPV Method Technique for analyzing capital investment projects are known as Net Present Value (NPV). A project’s net present value is the amount by which the project is expected to increase the wealth of the firm’s current shareholders. Net present value techniques involve projections of future volume and value increases and calculations of present value based on the cost of investing ones capital in the given periods of time. A dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future, because inflation erodes the buying power of the future money, while money available today can be invested and grow. The Discount Rate is the rate of return which could be obtained if the initial outlay were invested on the money market. Since the discount rate reflects the future value of money, it typically has two components: an adjustment for inflation, and a risk-adjusted return on the use of the money. Since market forces typically incorporate inflation adjustments into investment returns and borrowing costs, often the discount rate is keyed to a standard reference rate. Some Advantages and disadvantages are:- Advantages:- It will give the correct decision advice assuming a perfect capital market. It also gives correct ranking for mutually exclusive projects unlike the IRR. NPV gives an absolute value NPV allows for the timing of the cash flows Disadvantages: Calculating NPV is difficult, in part, because it isn't clear what discount rate should be used, nor is it clear how to project future changes in the discount rate.. NPV, of all the 4 methods of Investment appraisal, requires the decision criteria to be specif...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Nothing wrong with Hopefully as Modal Adjunct

Nothing wrong with Hopefully as Modal Adjunct Nothing wrong with Hopefully as Modal Adjunct Nothing wrong with Hopefully as Modal Adjunct By Maeve Maddox My 2009 edition of the Associated Press Stylebook has this to say about hopefully: It means in a hopeful manner. Do not use it to mean it is hoped, let us hope or we hope. The 2012 edition of the AP Stylebook reverses that dictum. Professional writers who follow that guide may now use the word to mean â€Å"it is hoped,† â€Å"we hope† and â€Å"let us hope† without opprobrium. It’s gratifying that AP has finally acknowledged that hopefully can be used as a modal adjunct as well as a manner adjunctespecially as English speakers have been using it that way for at least eighty years. Used as a â€Å"manner adjunct,† an adverb answers the question â€Å"how?† about a verb, as in â€Å"He saw her clearly.† Used as a â€Å"modal adjunct,† an adverb modifies the entire sentence, as in â€Å"Clearly, he saw her at the coffee shop.† Here the word doesn’t tell â€Å"how† he saw, but thatwithout any doubthe saw her. Because the AP change of attitude has stirred such fury among so many, I wanted to see what Fowler had to say about hopefully in his landmark work Modern English, published in 1926. He had nothing to say about hopefully, but plenty about the misuse of the verb hope. Hopefully is absent also from Horwill’s Modern American Usage (OUP, 1935). According to an article by Geoffrey Pullum in the Chronicle of Higher Education, usage specialist Wilson Follett (1886-1963) started the trouble with hopefully, calling its modal use â€Å"unEnglish and eccentric.† Although Strunk had made no mention of the despicable use of hopefully in the original version of Elements of Style, and although editor and expander E.B. White did not think to include it in his 1959 revision, he inserted it with an emotional note in the 1972 revision: Such use is not merely wrong, it is silly. it offends the ear of manywho do not like to see words dulled or eroded, particularly when the erosion leads to ambiguity, softness, or nonsense. I suspect that this testy note in the over-venerated Elements has had a lot to do with spreading Follett’s prejudice. William Safire, who wrote a respected column on language for the NY Times Magazine from 1979 until his death in 2009, at first rejected, but then accepted the modal use of hopefully; he was called â€Å"a lousy quitter† for his trouble. Both the OED and Merriam-Webster include definitions for the modal use of hopefully. The earliest recorded use in the OED is dated 1932; M-W notes that an 18th century (1702) example has been found in a book written by Cotton Mather. OED warns that â€Å"many writers avoid it.† M-W says that the word still has â€Å"a few die-hard critics,† but concludes that â€Å"most usage commentators have by now come to realize that it is entirely standard.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?3 Cases of Complicated HyphenationEpidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic